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Collecte de denrées alimentaires – Moisson Montréal

Monday December 17th, 2018, 4:42 PM

For the second year, we wanted to nurture the Halte’s Christmas spirit! Our members were invited to bring dry goods for the benefit of Moisson Montréal. This initiative takes part in their yearly Christmas charity campaign.

During this year’s two weeks of collecting, members had the opportunity to drop dry goods at the Halte.

About Moisson Montréal:

Did you know that Moisson Montréal was the 1st food bank in Canada?

In order to take up this challenge, this charity gathers goods and money from families and food suppliers. After sorting them, Moisson Montréal distributes this goods to community organisms in Montréal. Thus, around 137.000 persons including 41.500 children benefit monthly from Moisson Montréal.

The aim for Moisson Montréal is not only to increase the number of annual donation, but also to improve the quality of the donation. Moisson Montréal wants to offer healthy and nutritious food, by favouring wholesome, protein, natural or organic products, with a few sugar, salt and fat.

Our collection:

After two weeks of collection, we are proud to announce that we could give Moisson Montreal 5 boxes of donation. Our members took part to this collection by bringing dry goods and hygienic products. A particular attention was put on the quality of the products. We would like to thank our members for their generosity.

The Lounge 4284 Community was also invited to take part to this collection during their Christmas event. More than 50 people thought about bringing donation!

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