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Highlighting our members : ACHAT

Friday November 1st, 2024, 10:00 AM

We are excited to present a new edition of our series highlighting the collaborators at La Halte and their personalized packages. This week, we are pleased to introduce the organization ACHAT - Alliance des Corporations d'Habitation Abordable du Territoire du Quebec, members of La Halte for the past 9 months

1. ACHAT at glance

ACHAT is a social economy organization that brings together collective enterprises, owners, operators, and developers of non-profit housing in Quebec (non-profits, cooperatives, and parapublic companies).

Our mission is to support our members in seeking innovations and deploying business strategies aimed at significantly increasing the supply of non-profit affordable housing in Quebec, benefiting local communities.

2. Why Choose a Coworking Space?

We chose the coworking space at La Halte 24-7 in March 2024 because it perfectly meets our needs for a flexible and collaborative environment.

As a growing social startup, being in a coworking space has allowed our employees to thrive in a hybrid work setting without the worry of running out of space.

3. What Are Your Current Projects?

We are actively working to establish a center of excellence in collective real estate aimed at accelerating the production of non-profit housing. With a focus on building the capacities of our members, the Élan program aims to support their organizational development and real estate strategies in a volume-oriented approach. https://www.achat-habitation.o...

We also have an upcoming project in partnership with @TransitionEnCommun (an alliance between citizens, the city, and civil society for socio-ecological transition in Montreal neighborhoods, https://www.linkedin.com/compa...) and Concordia University, focusing on the ecological transition of living environments. These ambitious projects directly address the challenges in our sector.

4. What Is Your Vision for the Future of Collective Real Estate?

Housing is a fundamental right recognized by the UN, not a privilege. The intergenerational contract in housing has been broken in Quebec and Canada. Consequently, ACHAT will continue to support the rise of large non-profit real estate companies throughout Quebec to demarginalize social and affordable housing within the overall market—targeting a 20% market share that is gaining popularity.

To address the colossal challenges of the climate and housing crises, we believe that empowering professional, ambitious, and agile enterprises will help achieve public goals for ecological transition, social justice, and sustainable affordability more rapidly.

5. A Package That Reflects Me

Since their arrival at La Halte 9 months ago with a single dedicated workspace, the ACHAT team has significantly grown to include 5 workstations.

As an anchor point for their non-profit, their personalized package provides a substantial bank of hours, ideal for organizing team meetings. Additionally, they have access to larger spaces, facilitating board meetings and other activities.

To learn more about ACHAT, visit https://www.achat-habitation.o... and https://www.linkedin.com/compa...

Stay tuned for our series in the coming weeks to discover more teams and their achievements within our business community!

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