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Coworking Spaces : A Remedy to Counter Seasonal Depression?

Friday January 19th, 2024, 10:00 AM

Seasonal depression, often associated with the winter months when days are shorter and the weather is darker, can have a significant impact on mental well-being. Providing a dose of social interaction, the opportunity to leave one's home, and a defined workspace, coworking offers several benefits to counteract this slowing period.

Getting a dose of social interaction:

Coworking provides a dynamic social environment with micro-interactions that can have positive effects on mental health. Simply discussing one's weekend or personal projects helps (micro-interactions). Coworking breaks the solitude by providing a space where professionals can interact, exchange ideas, and build meaningful connections. 83% of members report feeling less lonely after joining a coworking space. (Zippia, 2020) Feeling better after getting one's social dose for the day is common. One can also choose to stay in their bubble if they feel more introverted for the day.

Soaking up the sun:

Well-designed coworking spaces often emphasize natural light and a friendly atmosphere. If you lack natural light at home, daylight is known to have positive effects on mood, and coworking spaces seek to maximize this advantage. This contrasts with traditional work environments, often artificially lit, which can contribute to seasonal depression. It's possible to soak up the sun, even in winter, by working at our open-access counter, even if we miss the terrace!

Structuring time and productivity:

Coworking provides structure to the workday, which can be particularly beneficial for those struggling with seasonal depression. A regular schedule, planned social interactions, and a professional environment contribute to mental stability and productivity, countering the negative effects of the season. 84% of coworkers report being more motivated when working in a coworking space. (Ergonomic Trends, 2021)

Defining a work-life balance:

Balancing work and personal life is often a challenge for many professionals. Coworking spaces encourage an environment where it's easier to delineate work and personal time. 85.9% of respondents state that coworking helps them separate their personal life from their work. (Clutch, 2020). 24/7 access allows starting the day later and not sticking to a 9 am to 5 pm schedule, deciding to finish earlier or later according to individual needs.

Despite the challenges of Montreal's winter and the lack of vitamin D, it is also recommended to exercise regularly. Whether skating or walking near Parc Lafontaine, just 2 minutes from Halte 24-7 Coworking, or practicing swimming or yoga in your neighborhood. What's your trick for countering seasonal depression?


Muller, Jon. “32 Surprising Coworking Space Statistics in 2021 - What’s Changed?” Ergonomic Trends, September 22, 2021. https://ergonomictrends.com/co...

Top benefits & challenges of coworking spaces | Clutch.co. Accessed January 18, 2024. https://clutch.co/resources/to...

Zippia. "33 Captivating Coworking Statistics [2023]: Facts And Trends You Need To Know" Zippia.com. Feb. 2, 2023, https://www.zippia.com/advice/...

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