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What are the seven qualities of an entrepreneur?

Tuesday November 7th, 2023, 11:52 AM

Today, we share an article from La Presse, written by Stéphanie Bérubé in collaboration with businesswoman Marilou Bourdon from the company Trois fois par jour.

This reading has proven to be extremely enriching, highlighting seven essential types of intelligence for entrepreneurs who wish to succeed in an ever-evolving world.

1. Creative Intelligence

    Creative intelligence encompasses various skills, both in practical and interpersonal aspects, such as adaptability, effective communication, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and the capability to collaborate effectively.

    2. Emotional Intelligence

      "For entrepreneurs, emotional intelligence is crucial. It is essential for anyone doing extraordinary things," says Louis-Jacques Filion, a professor emeritus in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at HEC Montréal.

      3. Leadership

        "It is essential to be able to lead a team through thick and thin," notes Mrs. Godin, emphasizing that entrepreneurs are accustomed to facing storms.

        4. The Power of Attraction

        Not only must they be inspiring, but entrepreneurs also need to surround themselves with complementary personalities, as pointed out by Nathalie Blain, who works with business leaders to help them acquire this skill.

        5. Systemic Intelligence

          It's about having a holistic perspective, which may not always be easy to achieve but allows you to see the bigger picture, not just individual elements.

          6. Tenacity

            Many entrepreneurs have achieved great success after significant failures. Professor Louis-Jacques Filion reminds us that their determination often drives them to see a project through to the end.

            7. Intuition

              An entrepreneur today must possess intuition and the ability to read the environment because the environment is rapidly changing," says coach Nathalie Blain.

              These seven types of intelligence are crucial for entrepreneurs seeking to excel in an ever-changing world. By developing these skills, you can navigate business challenges more effectively.

              Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur or considering embarking on this journey, keep these keys to success in mind to thrive in today's business world.

              To read the full article in the Business section: https://www.lapresse.ca/affair...

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