Wednesday February 13th, 2019, 10:00 AM
Two weeks ago, Wednesday, January 30th was the official #BellCause day. A day organized by Bell Cause For The Cause, to destigmatize mental illnesses.
We are talking about it today because it is important. These psychological risks concern us all, and entrepreneurs are particularly exposed to them.
Our remarks will be mainly guided by a discussion on the subject between Maximilien ROY (President and CEO RJCCQ), Bruno Collard (Clinical Director Revivre) and Guillaume Aniorté (Executive Advisor LVL studio), during Expo Entrepreneurs 2019. If you feel concerned, talk about it and go to specialists.
The pace of entrepreneurial life is rigorous and anyone who is not attentive to himself is exposed to many risks. The entrepreneur's body is indeed put to the test, mainly for the first five years.
Stress and fear are part of everyday life. They are not initially bad, in measured quantities. Fear allows a greater awareness of the risks of self and one's abilities. Stress, on the other hand, causes adrenaline and can do a lot, if managed properly. However, continued exposure to these two feelings can trigger progressive psychological distress, harmful if unconscious.
Therefore, we must try to act in order to try to reduce our exposure to risks.
The first thing to do is to listen to yourself, to listen to your body. Try to sleep, to eat well. Know how to delegate when possible. Know how to take time for yourself and take time off, no matter how small.
It is then a question of accepting his psychological state, of making him aware and, above all, of not repressing him. The entrepreneurial context is harsh, psychological distress is common. These are things that happen, that are not abnormal, but that you have to know how to deal with. And before that, you have to be aware of it, know how to recognize that you are not doing well.
Some signs can be alarming if they persist over time:
- daily irritability,
- a conflicting trend,
- a difficult sleep,
- a flood of doubts,
- self-critical and devaluing discourse
- ….
Do not withdraw into yourself, stay surrounded by your loved ones (friends, family...). Continue to create social ties, to see people.
The most important step: communicate! Do not bury all this inside yourself. Acknowledge your condition and talk to your loved ones about it. One more step will be taken towards awareness of your condition and you can be supported.
" Invest in your mental health. Speak up! "
RJCCQ president
Finally, if your loved ones advise you to do so, if you feel the need, or even as a precaution, go see specialists. They will be able to advise you and guide you out of this difficult phase. They will find the right words and solutions for your situation.
" Keep hope alive because if many are affected, many get away with it. "
Clinique Revivre director
In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the urgent need to address mental health. Since 2010, the Bell cause for the cause program has had a mission to advance the cause by fighting the stigma of mental illness, improving access to care, supporting global research and encouraging action on mental health.
Each year, one day is reserved for this cause. The goal? Create the greatest and biggest conversation about mental health. On Wednesday, January 30, 2019, 145,442,699 interactions were recorded on social media, representing an additional $7,272,134.95 for their various actions.
In conclusion, be attentive. Your mental health and that of your colleagues is important. Take care of yourself, and if something dissolves, talk about it! You have to cure pain with words.
The Halte team is also at your disposal. We do our best to make your life more pleasant, and make you happy with the little touches. But don't hesitate to come and see us if you need anything.
Written by Maé SABY