Tuesday February 5th, 2019, 11:30 AM
A new form of entrepreneuriat
Halte 24-7’s team was, these 23rd and 24th january, at the exhibition Expo Entrepreneurs 2019 of Montréal, in order to meet and learn. We have decided to share with you what people transmits us during these days, by conferences or discussions.
We attended to the presentation of Patrice Chessé, from CIPANGO, talking about the emergence of new media and particularly Youtube. It was really interesting, that’s why we wanted to share the informations with you. Every point of this article was mentioned by Sir Chessé.
We are actually living a period of traditional medias’ overthrow (television, radio..), dethroned by new medias such as Youtube, Facebook or Snapchat. Traditional learning methods are threatened by a new, bigger, accessibility to the information, possible thank to these medias.
Consumers are more and more searching for video contents: 80% of them are claiming it and risk to leave your platforms after only 8 seconds, in order to find more attractive content. Furthermore, a video content will give you 300% of additional chance to be in top of the list of search engine. It’s now essential to think about it, risking, if not, to lose audience.
*Tips: to put subtiles on videos to allow users to watch them in every circumstances, and not delay the moment of viewing*
In view of its development and the growing number of entrepreneurs users, an exponential growth of Youtube is to predict in the next few years.
« Tomorrow we will all be entrepreneurs, but first for our personal branding »
It is essential to thing to represent your brand and, why not, think to be your own brand. There are many Youpreneurs actually. Specialized academic skills are now replaced by a demand of transdisciplinary profiles (production, statistics, analyse, planification…). They are T-shaped or comb-shaped profiles.
So you can be your own brand and content at the condition to be able to attract attention and generate engagement and vitality. It does not matter the subject you will talk about. Remember that if you’re able to attract attention, brands will want to work with you and you will be able to live from your content. But by then, do persevere: it needs 18 to 24 moths to obtain some great results on Youtube.
« Today something is happening, now’s your chance »
Patrice Chessé is président and co-founding of Cipango, an non lucrative organism created in 2018 in Montréal. His mission is to organize training seminars about creativity, entrepreneuriat and innovation. His rich background (teahcer, mentor, coach…) made him a great communicant on themes evoked before.
We are thanking Patrice Chessé for the sharing of his skills.
We have learnt a lot during these two days of exhibition and will share other interventions.
Stay aware to our next posts.
Written by Maé SABY